








live better with environment staying good



to keep society operating and improving, we need energy and materials and we obtain them from the mother nature. some people believe that it is impossible to achieve both higher human living standard and better nature environment as we always need to exploit natural resources and then discharge emission, we do us good while doing bad to nature.(现状和你要论说的观念)i partly agree with it, we can not create things out of thin air, but we can make us live better while being friendly to the nature. (说出自个的观念)from the perspective of nature itself, it is not a fragile object for it has its recovery ability. from the perspective of human society, a better living standard intrinsically includes a healthy natural environment. in reality, we human beings are also constantly exploring the way for green economy. so improving living standard and protecting environment are not paradoxical and we have been managing to achieve both of them.(扼要说出分观念)






secondly, a good nature environment itself is considered one of the desired living standards.(先把观念摆在前面,再进行论说) even though we don’t have to live in wild and we have advanced buildings made of strong, reinforced concrete, we still have our foot on the ground and cannot escape from the nature. see how awfully natural environment can revenge ignorant human beings. in 1950s, citizens living in city minamata japan, became ill with frightening symptoms and even died. the local families were severely bashed physically and psychologically and then area sunk into dead silence. it is known as the japan minamata disease events. it was caused by water with high level of hydrargyrum poured by a nitrogen produce company which was the tip of the global chemical industry-technology. fishes

and shrimps were stained by hydrargyrum and eaten by people directly or indirectly and unknowingly people were poisoned, the poison may even be passed on to offspring. and a more visible and newer instance, fog and haze in 2013, was in china. we could see the fog and haze with eyes. however, the most horrible thing is it carries poisons in fog and small granular floating particles in haze and that causes respiratory system diseases, seriously cause death. the stories of minamata disease in japan and fog and haze in china are ones of the sad vivid examples caused by eagerness of human being chasing for development without concerning themselves with the environmental protection. so when people taste the bad fruit, can we deny that a good environmental condition is a principal element of better ling standards.





in conclusion , achieving a better living standard dos not necessarily cost the environment. (再次说出自个的观念)nature is needed to be protected but is not that fragile. and as have learned from pain, we know good environmental condition is a standard for good living and the world has taken actions for many years.(以最简略的方法再次写出三个分观念,最佳彼此间有逻辑) although we still see the nature disaster gets fiercer day by day, we must keep protecting and saving it. as long as we keep trying, it will never be too late.(最终一段里仅有的新东西:展望)????

