2021厦大英译汉的段子选自《外交政策》(fp),但这不是很重要,因为这几年每年的英译汉出处好像各不相同。据说2020英译汉考的是multiverse, 假定在平行宇宙上希拉里赢了总统大选对政治经济的一系列影响,感觉应该也是从外刊上选的,但是因为我没找到原文,也不确定到底是哪个杂志,有原文的小伙伴可以私信我。
2021英译汉材料原标题为“the coronavirus is killing globalization as we know it”,讲的是新冠对全球化的消极影响。总体难度不大,基本无生词。这篇语言非常地道,出现了“the nail in the coffin”“fanning fears”“providing legitimacy for”“governments of all stripes”等多个地道短语。要注意这是一篇新闻社论风格的文章,翻译时要注意还原那种冷冰冰又客观的风格。由于文章不难,就更考验考生们“说人话”的功夫,是否能翻译得更符合中文的表述习惯无源语言痕迹?文中提到了很多诸如民族主义,旅游禁令,国际供应链之类的名词,平时关注新闻和时事的小伙伴理解起来可能会更容易。
until recently, most policymakers and investors remained complacent about the potential economic impact of the coronavirus crisis. as late as the end of february, most wrongly assumed that it would have only a brief, limited, china-specific impact. now they realize that it is generating a global shock, which may be sharp—but which most still expect to be short. but what if the economic disruption has an enduring impact? could the coronavirus pandemic even be the nail in the coffin for the current era of globalization?
the coronavi
rus crisis has highlighted the downsides of extensive international integration while fanning fears of foreigners and providing legitimacy for national restrictions on global trade and flows of people.
all sorts of businesses have suddenly realized the risks of relying on complex global supply chains that are specific not just to china—but to particular places such as wuhan, the epicenter of the pandemic.?
meanwhile, governments of all stripes have rushed to impose travel bans, additional visa requirements, and export restrictions. the travel ban on most arrivals from europe that u.s. president donald trump announced on march 11 is particularly broad, but far from unique. all of this is making economies more national and politics more nationalistic
much of this disruption may be temporary. but the coronavirus crisis is likely to have a lasting impact, especially when it reinforces other trends that are already undermining globalization. it may deal a blow to fragmented international supply chains, reduce the hypermobility of global business travelers, and provide political fodder for nationalists who favor greater protectionism and immigration controls.